Hello, it has been a while since I posted, I have been very busy. It is already December, wow, hard to believe. In a week and a half I will be flying Kivalina - Kotzebue -Anchorage -Seattle - Chicago - Milwaukee. 27 hrs but it will be so worth it. I am looking forward to many of the comforts I have not had in 4.5 months. T.V. will be high on my list, but fresh fruit and produce is at the top of the list. Can not wait for a big green salad or a granny smith apple. MMMMMM! A lot has happened since my last post. We had one of the worst storms in a decade the beginning og November, the surf was very high and caused a lot of concern for flooding. Since we are located on a narrow strip of land surrounded by water, I can see the concern. We had quite a few people evacuate to the school the first night of the storm, the second day of the storm there was a general evacuation into the village. Teachers organized the rooms/security and monitored the phone/c.b & vhf radio. The winds were 75 mph plus and the seas were ~15 ft waves. The beach disappeared and the waves broke over the north end of the seawall. We survived with just a small amount of flooding. The temperatures then dropped for the next three weeks, daytime highs were around -15 to -20 wind chills dipped into the -40 range. The daylight has also disappeared. we had 18 hrs of daylight when I arrived in August -we are down to just over two hours of daylight now. The sun pokes over the southern horizon and creeps along the horizon for a brief period of time before leaving. Last weekend (De. 3-4) we had another blizzard, winds were around 45 mph we also received snow but it is hard to tell how much because it all blew into drifts. Some are in the 4 to 5 foot high range but most are not that high. Well, that is about it for excitement in Kivalina, Alaska. Take care
Monday, December 5, 2011
It is December already!!
Hello, it has been a while since I posted, I have been very busy. It is already December, wow, hard to believe. In a week and a half I will be flying Kivalina - Kotzebue -Anchorage -Seattle - Chicago - Milwaukee. 27 hrs but it will be so worth it. I am looking forward to many of the comforts I have not had in 4.5 months. T.V. will be high on my list, but fresh fruit and produce is at the top of the list. Can not wait for a big green salad or a granny smith apple. MMMMMM! A lot has happened since my last post. We had one of the worst storms in a decade the beginning og November, the surf was very high and caused a lot of concern for flooding. Since we are located on a narrow strip of land surrounded by water, I can see the concern. We had quite a few people evacuate to the school the first night of the storm, the second day of the storm there was a general evacuation into the village. Teachers organized the rooms/security and monitored the phone/c.b & vhf radio. The winds were 75 mph plus and the seas were ~15 ft waves. The beach disappeared and the waves broke over the north end of the seawall. We survived with just a small amount of flooding. The temperatures then dropped for the next three weeks, daytime highs were around -15 to -20 wind chills dipped into the -40 range. The daylight has also disappeared. we had 18 hrs of daylight when I arrived in August -we are down to just over two hours of daylight now. The sun pokes over the southern horizon and creeps along the horizon for a brief period of time before leaving. Last weekend (De. 3-4) we had another blizzard, winds were around 45 mph we also received snow but it is hard to tell how much because it all blew into drifts. Some are in the 4 to 5 foot high range but most are not that high. Well, that is about it for excitement in Kivalina, Alaska. Take care
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Over the 3 month mark!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Day 40
Well, It has been 40 days since I have departed Wisconsin, it seems like I have been gone much longer than that. My days go pretty fast when I am teaching and doing school work, it is the down time when things tend to get a little slow. I have been going for walks, the beach is a nice walk, some days the sand is really soft and you have to look for a harder surface to walk other times the sand seems pretty well packed. we have had some good wind storms, blowing hard enough that the lagoon on the eastern side of the village was emptied, other than the water from the river still flowing, the rest was mud. No, we are not buried in snow yet, it is getting a little colder at night though. Soon we will see the white snowflakes, if you want me to send you some let me know. I posted a bunch of pictures on Sunday, they were just random shots, there is not a lot of things to take pictures of, and I am somewhat blocked in by the water. If I wanted to walk the 8 miles to the northern part of the island I could, but it would still be the same scenery. When winter approaches, ice and snow will be good objects to take pictures of, for a few days till that novelty wears off, the Northern Lights will be on my list of "to do" things, there is a website that informs of the best days to see them. Cloud permitting. I am looking forward to staying up and enjoying a brisk -40 so I can take photos. The first time will be fun, the rest of the times it will be crazy. Teaching is going pretty good, it is still a lot of work, especially since I have to teach subjects that I have not taught before and have to create all the lesson plans that go with it. I was spoiled at Bullen, teaching the same stuff every year. I am not complaining though, I get to teach some of my favorite topics in social studies/history, yea! I also have the honor of teaching sex education to the males in November. Awkward. I am doing well, slowly getting my food supplies stocked up for the winter. Never know when supplies/services will be interrupted by the weather. Brenda is doing a great job of sending stuff. Thanks dear. Well that is about if for this edition, I have rambled on for a while now. Take care.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
1 month later...
Saturday, August 27, 2011
School is going well, the kids are eager to learn (most of them) and they have a million questions for me, some even relate to the topic we are learning about. We use the Smartboard and show many places on it, they love to see other places. We are also doing a program called Rachel's Challenge. (all my KUSD friends need to check this out) It is a program about kindness based on the short life of Rachel Scott, a 17 year old student who was shot and killed during the Columbine High School shootings. She was a person who went out of her way and talked to and help students, maybe just saying a kind word or even hello to the student. We watched a presentation in Kotzebue for in-service and a speaker from the foundation was there. Not a dry eye in the place. Great program for kids. There is also a facebook site for it. Check it out. Well, I really need to finish shopping and lesson planning. Have a great day!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
In Service in Kotzebue, Ak
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Kivalina at last!
no problems. We were met by a few people with quads and trailers, our luggage went on and off we went to our homes. There were 4 of us on the last leg of the flight, 3 new teachers like me and 1 returning teacher. Our homes are at the south end of the penninsula, I am about 30 second walk from the school. I do have a flush toliet/running water and a shower,(thank God) but other than the school and the teachers, most people do not have either or any of the above services.
After unpacking and getting something to eat, the 3 new teachers went for a walk around the village. There are about 400 people here, and around 100 k-12 kids. The kids found out we were new teachers and we were swarmed. 32 million questions later we made it back to our homes. I looked at my watch and it was 11:30. Really weird having the sun still out at that time of day. It was setting and was gone around midnight. The villagers are very nice and receptive. Everyone came by and said hello, I have had people stopping all day today (Sunday) to welcome me to the village. I head back to Kotzebue tomorrow for 4 days of in-service training along with the rest of the teachers from the district. A majority of the teachers have to be flown in by bush plane, it is the only way to get around. We will be staying at the school, we get air mattresses and a sleeping bag, I prefer my own sleeping bag. I will have room to load up on some more food supplies, get supplies every time you can.