Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Last days in the lower 48

I am down to 4 1/2 days left before I depart. I feel like I need to do something to get ready, but everything has been shipped (some of the boxes have arrived). My teacher certification has been done, all my paperwork filled out and mailed. The weather has been in the mid 40's. Not very warm by our heatwave standards. I did notice that sunrise is about 5:30 a.m. and sunset at around 12:30 a.m. 19 hrs of daylight, but it is quickly becoming less. I am looking forward to spending a couple of days in Anchorage before I head north. I will post Anchorage pictures next week. I do not know how long it will take to get internet set up once I arrive in Kivalina.

1 comment:

  1. Wow....David.....what an adventure you are going to have.....I think Alaska would be beautiful and fun to go see.....I don't know about living there for too long.....I don't like all the snow and cold anymore...:-) Winter there is going to make last years blizzard here in Wisconsin look like a "walk in the park"......hahaha! Take care of yourself....and have a great new school year. Keep us up on what's happening throughout your time in Alaska. Barb :-)
